Thursday, July 9, 2009

I told you I'd let you know how the homemade

Well, I told you I'd let you know how the homemade laundry detergent is doing with my laundry. As far as I can tell it it doing just fine. The clothes are getting clean anyway.
I didn't add fragrance so it don't have that Gain smell that I like so well, but they are clean and it only costs pennies per load to do.
I also made the fabric softener and I don't care for it much. It calls for white vinegar in the recipe and I don't like that smell. The clothes don't smell like vinegar, but I do miss the Downy smell, but here again it is only pennies per load. They smell fresh not perfumed which is better, I'm sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What're the "recipes"?? I'd like to try!!