Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ginger, taters, and squash

Well, it's been a long time since I blogged, so I figured I better get on the ball.
I did plant the ginger root that I bought at the grocery store and to my surprise, It is growing!!
I have two very pretty green "stalks" growing in the pot. I am so excited! If I could find the wire to my digital camera I'd share a photo with you,but it is in "you can't find me" land. : (
J and my potatoes are growing out of this world. We planted ours when the signs were in the feet and someone told me that if you plant taters in the sign of the feet, you'll have toes.
This may be true, but we'll see. I hope we don't have all vine and no taters. I'll let you know how that goes.
We have harvested 5 NICE squash out of the garden. I love them baked with filling. I will share the recipe for this later on. It is so good too.

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